Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cashew Sour Cream

This doesn't taste like sour cream, obviously, but it does deliver that creamy element for a fajita that is just so delicious. I really couldn't believe how easy this was to make and how it really just MADE my fajita's 100x better. If you don't add the chili garnish, then you could use this as a cream cheese substitute on your morning bagel since cashews are usually used to make raw cheesecake.

Cashew Sour Cream

3/4 cup cashews
2 T lemon juice
1/4 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
Chipotle chili powder (optional)

In a food processor, combine all ingredients until smooth.
Add more water if the cream needs to be thinned out.
Garnish with chipotle chili powder if you wish.

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